Fertility Testimonials

G.C., 39 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I first visited Brooke and Ferran over two years ago after trying unsucessfully for three years to get pregnant. My gynocologist suggested that I tried using an egg donor following a disastrous attempt at in vitro in which I didn’t produce any follicles, and was fully convinced that I would be unable to conceive naturally. I decided to not heed his advice and contacted Brooke and Ferran. The moment I met them I immediately felt re-assured and knew that I was doing the right thing. They helped me to become more positive and relaxed regarding my fertility issues. I followed their suggestions and implemented life style changes as well as having regular sessions of acupuncture. The end result is that I am now 8 months pregnant with my first baby. Thank you so much to both of you and keep up the extraordinary inspirational work.”
A.E., 33 years, Natural Pregnancy“After nine months trying to conceive, I was feeling really depressed and lost and fearing that we could never have a baby. But then a friend of mine told me about Brooke and her team and everything started to change. Brooke took really good care of me and helped me through a process that helped me restore hope and faith in our ability to become parents. She is a great professional, able to give what I call “loving attention”. And above all, by working with her and her team I was provided a place and time to decrease all stress related to conception, to ask all my questions and discuss every single thought and feeling about it. Then after some time working with her on my own we discovered that my partner’s sperm quality was rather poor and that the chances of naturally conceiving seemed really low. He also started working with Brooke and after some weeks and at a rather unexpected time I found myself pregnant with a baby due in January. My gratitude to Brooke and her team is infinite and I definitely recommend this experience to anyone feeling stressed or sad or in trouble in the process of becoming a parent.”
S.E., 39 years. Natural Pregnancy“After many years taking birth control pills it took six months for my period to return, and although it was coming every 28 days I was not getting pregnant. The nerves and stress were increasing every day. My gynecologist was convinced that my only option was to do IVF because of my age, even though I was resistant. I wanted to try to get pregnant naturally. One fortunate day I read an article about Chinese medicine and fertility and I decided to look on the Internet for a center in Barcelona. This led me to Brooke and I met with her for an initial consultation on November 9, 2012. Honestly I was left impressed with her professionalism, friendliness, and total understanding of the situation. She is a very special person. Even though I didn’t have any specific problem she told me to keep calm and with some acupuncture to prepare my mind and body and some dietary changes she believed that in about 4 months I would get pregnant. Soon I started my acupuncture sessions, which were totally relaxing. My surprise came only two months after starting treatment with Brooke. The beginning of January, 2013 I was pregnant! Now I am 29 weeks expecting a baby boy and I have had an amazing pregnancy. I did not experience any symptoms, even in the first trimester. This experience has been incredible. Brooke and Irene(who administered some of my acupuncture sessions) are marvelous professionals. I recommend this treatment. It really works! I will always be grateful to them for helping to make possible my dream of becoming a mother.”
C.F. 35 years, IVF with frozen embryos“After 3 Artificial Inseminations and 2 failed IVF attempts I had lost all hope that I would become a mother. Thanks to a good friend of mine I was lucky to be introduced to Brooke. She helped me prepare my mind and body for the 3rd IVF. The result was positive and I am now 18 weeks pregnant!!! I can never thank Brooke enough for the work she has done and her unconditional support. A million thanks for making our dream a reality!!!”
C.C., 39 years, IVF“I believe meeting Brooke and putting myself in her hands is the reason that I am now 27 weeks pregnant after 3 Artificial Inseminations and 3 IVF cycles. She helped me to prepare my body to welcome the baby. She has accompanied me personally and professionally during the entire process; preparing for the IVF cycle, supporting the development of the baby and now supporting me so that the birth goes as well as possible. Brooke is always available for whatever questions or problems that arise. Her serenity and confidence have made me feel safe, understood, and supported in every moment. For me her support and work have been fundamental for me to believe that I could become pregnant and for it to actually happen. From my experience I recommend acupuncture to everyone who has not yet tried it and I especially recommend Brooke.”
E.A, 40 years, Natural Pregnancy“I met Ferran a few years ago and thought if I ever needed acupuncture I would go to him. And that is what I did. Thanks to his needles, herbs, homeopathy and recommendations I avoided an operation that seemed to be inevitable. Later I met Brooke and she seemed to be an angel. It seemed that just by looking at me and touching me she was able to enter inside of me and fix all that needed fixing. With Brooke we succeeded in balancing my hormones, making a pregnancy possible, which, although was very desired, seemed impossible to achieve. It took several months of acupuncture and herbs, but it was worth it. I now have my little boy. Ferran and Brooke are very professional, but what I value most is their warmth and compassion. I felt listened to, respected, supported and encouraged every moment. I know I can count on them. Thank you from all my heart.”
J y F., 32 years, Natural Pregnancy“After 3 years of trying to get pregnant we went to meet Brooke and her team with the hope that it was possible. Brooke asked us to give the treatment between 4 and 6 months, and by the fourth month of treatment we were pregnant!!!! Now I am about to give birth to a baby boy and we still can’t believe it. I never thought that it would end with me writing all of this! We would like to thank Brooke and her team for their attention, dedication, and concern before and during the pregnancy, and for the great work that they all do. Thank you for making this possible!!!”
N.M., 30 years, Natural Pregnancy:“I suggest that you go to this wonderful place where they are specialists in supporting fertility, someone told me in one of the worst moments of my life… After two miscarriages very close together it was really difficult to understand what was happening and if there was anything I could do about it. The entire situation was very frustrating. I do not have words to describe how grateful I am to have been supported by Brooke during this difficult time. She helped me learn about my body. I learned to listen and feel how my body balanced itself after each miscarriage. Being able to strengthen my cycles, and balancing my emotions after so many hormonal changes was extremely helpful for me. The treatments with Brooke were not only a support to my body, but also for my sensitive heart (which for a year and a half had been through a roller coaster of uncertainty, grief, and confusion). From my point of view there are professionals who have good knowledge and skills, but not all professionals are as sincere and as passionate about their work as Brooke. Now I am happily 6 months pregnant with a baby boy. My body is strong and I do not have the pain that appeared after the miscarriages. My heart is happy. Thank you.”
B.P., 35 years, IVF with ICSI:
“I will never be able to express my gratefulness to you, how much you have helped me in those complicated moments, the strength, the positive energy, and the serenity you shared with me, the presence you had in my pregnancy and in the birth (as easy and beautiful as I remember it), and so many other things…When I look at my son many times I think of you. You are very present in my life and even if we don’t see each other I will not forget you. You have helped me to achieve the greatest thing in my life.”
B.N., 35 years, IVF with Egg Donation:
“The experience I had with Brooke and Aline was fantastic. During the whole process I felt they were concerned about helping me achieve my objective of becoming pregnant. They were always available for all of my questions. They shared with me a lot of positive energy and good suggestions that I am sure helped me. I am now 6 months pregnant. I have severe endometriosis and had attempted IVF 3 times without success. I decided to try acupuncture and the other methods they use and for me it worked. I would like to thank Brooke, Aline, and Beatriz for the wonderful treatment I received. I appreciated how professional and supportive you all were in helping me reach this great moment.”
S.R., 38 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I am a 38 year old woman, and after 3 first trimester miscarriages my partner and I were looking for an alternative to the invasive tests of traditional medicine. By coincidence I discovered this website and I contacted the office for an initial visit. During the treatment our situation was complicated because my partner and I were living in different areas and could only see each other on weekends. After 5 months of treatment with Brooke we were pregnant. Now I am 21 weeks pregnant and we are excitedly awaiting a precious little girl. Thank you Brooke for making us feel safe and sharing with us your confidence and serenity.”
Z.M., 38 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I had many questions regarding whether or not one day I would be able to have a baby. I had been diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Lupus and all of my doctors told me that pregnancy was contraindicated with my condition. They explained to me the possible consequences to myself and the developing baby. Even though I knew there were risks I tried to get pregnant, but it wasn’t happening. One day I was searching the internet and I discovered this website and after reading the testimonials and information about the program I was excited to make an appointment. Incredible but true: the month I started treatment I became pregnant. Even though it was a high risk pregnancy and was closely monitored by my doctors I continued treatment with Brooke. The pregnancy was fantastic and everything turned out good–my baby was born by cesarean. If I decide to have another baby I will go to see Brooke WITHOUT A DOUBT. She is an excellent professional and I am very grateful.”
C.E., 41 years:
“I was 38 years old when I finished all of the tests because we had been trying to get pregnant for 1 year without success. It was very clear to me that I did not want to do any artificial treatments if I did not become pregnant. I found Brooke and the first thing I noticed was a warmheartedness of someone who understands and treats you with affection and care. By changing my diet I learned about my body, what goes well with me and what does not. I had regular acupuncture and changed other daily habits. After one year of treatment I did not become pregnant. It was a long difficult journey from acceptance to mourning and finally to happiness for being alive. Brooke and Ferran helped me place the first stone on this path. I learned how to take care of myself, to forgive myself for not having a child, and to love myself within these circumstances. Many thanks to both of them.”
S.C., 34 years, IVF:
“We tried for several years to get pregnant without a clear idea of why we were having difficulties. After 3 failed In Vitro cycles we decided to continue with a complementary treatment. This was the best decision we made. With Brooke’s help on our fourth attempt of In Vitro we achieved our objective! Brooke figured out what were the necessary conditions for me to become pregnant. Even though I consider myself to be a very rational person, meeting Brooke has been like finding an angel to guide us on this journey. Thank you Brooke for everything you have done for us and for the confidence you transmitted in every moment. You have been and continue to be very important on this adventure. Thank you to the entire team of wonderful people who make up this center for acupuncture.”
M.A., 37 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“My first pregnancy was very difficult to achieve. After 2 years of trying we decided finally to do fertility treatments. We did 3 inseminations and finally got pregnant with our first attempt at In Vitro. The doctors never gave us a diagnosis of why we had fertility problems. After trying for 8 months naturally for a second child I spoke with my husband that I wanted to try something different before returning to medical fertility treatments. I searched on the Internet and found information about this center and Brooke’s experience with this type of treatment. I read the testimonials of the other women and decided to put myself in Brooke’s hands. It only took 2 or 3 visits an in one month an a half I was pregnant!! It was incredible!! Brooke did the Total Body Analysis and recommended Chinese herbs, and a few changes in my eating habits. I cannot thank Brooke enough for her professionalism, kindness and confidence from the very beginning that I would become pregnant. It has been such great luck to have found her.”
A.D., 33 years, Artificial Insemination:
“I arrived at Brooke’s clinic by casualty and coincidence after 3 failed inseminations. The 4th insemination was cancelled due to poor ovarian response to the medication. I was 33 years old with a perfect hormone analysis and the doctor at the reproductive clinic diagnosed me as abnormal and offered the only solution to be an In Vitro cycle. I thought then it would be worth the time and effort to look for alternatives. And that is how I ended up on Brooke’s massage table for my relaxing acupuncture naps after work. After 3 months of acupuncture and herbs I became pregnant with the first attempt and my son who will be born in April of 2010. I will never stop being grateful to Brooke for her support, serenity, tranquility, and confidence that everything would work. I definitely recommend this experience to everyone.”
C.R., 43 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“My family consisted of my husband and our 2 precious daughters of 4 and 7 years. After a while the four of us wanted another to join our family. After making the decision we realized it was not as easy this time to conceive. With anxiety and frustration I went from traditional doctors, homeopaths, and acupuncturists for 1 1/2 years, but nothing helped to produce our so desired pregnancy. Not only that, I had many experiences with these other practitioners where I did not feel the emotional support I needed. By casualty, if casualties exist, a flyer arrived in my hands announcing a meditation class for fertility. I began this class with Ferran and later acupuncture treatments with Brooke. In less than 3 months of loving and personal care we conceived our baby naturally. I am now 5 months pregnant and so extremely grateful that our paths crossed with this sweet couple who took the time to understand our needs and supported us in our dream.”
S.C., 34 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I would like to thank you for all you have done for me to become a mum. I’m sure it wouldn’t have happened without your help. I started a treatment with you one year ago, and I couldn’t imagine that one year later my dream would come true after two long years of failed attempts. All the optimism and positive energy, which I’ve gotten from you all through this period, has been really useful for me.”
I.L., 33 years, IVF with ICSI:
“After 3 1/2 years and many fertility treatments including 6 artificial inseminations and 1 IVF cycle with 3 embryo transfers I decided to look on the internet for an alternative therapy and I found the Programa de Fertilidad Natural. I contacted Brooke immediately and my husband and I went to meet her for our initial consultation. I had polycystic ovaries and my husband very little sperm. We put ourselves into Brooke’s hands with total confidence. As we continued treatment with acupuncture, homeopathy, and herbs my periods became regular and the sperm analysis showed great improvement. We prepared our bodies and our minds for several months and with the next IVF cycle we achieved our dream. At this moment, I am happily 14 weeks pregnant with twins. I would recommend to everyone to receive treatment from Brooke and Ferran. They are a wonderful couple with great knowledge of reproductive medicine and they transmit peace and serenity. I don’t have words to express how grateful I am for everything–thanks to you I am finally will be a MOTHER!”
E.P., 40 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I had a very positive experience working with Brooke at “Fertilidad Natural” last year. We worked together for four months preparing the body for pregnancy. Not only did Brooke administer acupuncture for fertility, she also prescribed a number of other natural remedies. After 4 years of trying, I truly believe that her treatments aided me in getting pregnant in a natural way at age 40. Brooke was a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend her to others.”
C.B., 36 years, IVF:
“The miracle has become true: after having a positive test on Monday, today I got another confirmation – I AM PREGNANT!!! Brooke, I feel overwhelmed, I am so happy that I could embrace the whole world. Thank you and Ferran for all the love that you have given me and all the peace I experienced from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”
V.G., 27 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I came to the Programa de Fertilidad Natural because I was looking for a non-aggressive natural alternative for infertility treatment. I did not want to take hormones or medications and my gynecologist wanted me to take medication to help me ovulate. The treatments with Brooke and Ferran were great. I was able to relax and prepare my body. In five months I was pregnant! I recommend the program for other women and couples. This week I am ready to give birth and I am very happy!”
M.O., 30 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“Hello Brooke – I hope that you are doing well. I have some amazing news to share….I’m pregnant!!! Can you believe it? My last cycle was strange, but I was pretty sure that I ovulated and the timing may have been close. I took a pregnancy test at day 32 and then again at 40 – both were negative. I went in for an ultrasound because I was getting concerned that something was wrong. To my absolute surprise, there on the monitor was a tiny, tiny heartbeat!!! So at this point I’m around 8 wks and feeling pretty good. I am amazed that after working with you for 3 months I went from not having a period – at all – to being pregnant – perfectly pregnant!!”
M.P., 38 years, IUI:
“Working with Brooke and using acupuncture and other non-medical techniques helped me where several years of traditional medicines and doctors couldn’t. My cycles become regular when they never had been before, my body became more open to fertility, and I learned how to better relax, which I think is so important when trying to become pregnant. I highly recommend acupuncture for any woman who would like to conceive- either on its own or combined with doctor’s treatments, which is what I did. It worked for me and many of my friends!”
T.H., 31 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant naturally for 16 months. We were really struggling with our infertility–my husband had a low sperm count and was diagnosed with a varicocele to boot, and my menstrual charts were less than stellar. As a health care provider, I was becoming frustrated that the modality I was using to help other women get pregnant wasn’t working for me. I contacted Brooke and she was able to recommend treatments and remedies for both me and my husband. The month that we began using her recommendations was the month we got pregnant. I have no doubt that it was Brooke’s knowledge and skill, not to mention her healing presence, that helped us conceive. We are forever grateful to her.”
D.H. 28 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“I began seeing Brooke for acupuncture to help me regain my health and energy as well as my emotional well being after my miscarriage. I very much wanted to be pregnant again and was having difficulty achieving that. I immediately felt very at ease with Brooke as she has a very calming energy. She was attentive and thoughtful as I told her my different situations. My acupuncture sessions were relaxing and enlightening. I conceived just a few days after my first fertility acupuncture treatment! I continued to see Brooke for acupuncture during my pregnancy (it was very helpful for my morning sickness, as well!) and now I have a beautiful healthy baby girl.”
V.C., 41 years:
“We’ve decided not to pursue the IVF route – whatever happens happens. And I’ll probably give the acupuncture a miss for a while, although I’m sure I’ll be back in the future. I can´t thank you enough for everything you and Ferran have done. I feel a different person – more healthy, relaxed and happy with life! Have also been sleeping well recently which makes a big difference. Take care! All my best wishes.”
H.D., 28 years, Natural Pregnancy:
“My husband and I had decided we were ready to start a family. This posed some concern for me considering I have had an irregular menstrual cycle since I reached puberty. Sometimes missing my period for months at a time, when I did have my period it was long with heavy flow, clots, and “old blood”. I also experienced extreme PMS symptoms including irritability, fatigue, and debilitating cramping. I approached Brooke for acupuncture to help regulate this problem. She definitely did that for me– the first cycle after regular treatments my symptoms were greatly reduced and improved. I also experienced many rewards in terms of my health, mental attitude, energy level, and emotional well being. By the time I was ready for the next cycle I had found out that I was pregnant! I now have less than 18 weeks before we will meet our baby girl! Brooke is a dedicated professional who has a genuine concern for people and their well being. I deeply feel her knowledge in acupuncture and Chinese medicine has helped us conceive of first child. I will continue to receive acupuncture to ensure a healthy pregnancy as well as my general health problems! I recommend it to everyone!”
J.C., 43 years, IVF:
“When my husband and I decided to do a donor IVF cycle we took the advice of my acupuncturist sister to support the process with acupuncture treatments. I have no doubt that the treatments contributed to our success and our twins. The treatments were so relaxing and I really felt nourished by them. They also helped get the tension out of my neck and shoulders. We are so thankful for all of Brooke’s help”.
K.B., 40 years, Natural pregnancy:
“I am a believer. After one and a half years of medical fertility treatments including several failed IVF cycles I decided to give acupuncture and Chinese medicine a try. It took six months to get my body back into balance and to become pregnant. I am now the proud mother a healthy baby boy. I feel blessed beyond words. Thank you Brooke for your wonderful care and support.”
C.B., 30 years, IVF:
“I had gone through an IVF treatment with negative results and I was anguished and nervous. Now after a frozen embryo transfer I am 12 weeks pregnant! The acupuncture treatments and the recommended exercises helped me to relax and to become conscious of my body. I recommend the Natural Fertility Program because I think it is a very important complement to the IVF treatments to compensate for the negative effects and alleviate the tension that it entails.”