
Pregnancy support:
Support a healthy pregnancy with acupuncture, Total Body analysis, reflexology, and CranioSacral Therapy. This combination of therapies has helped many women to have healthy pregnancies.
Treatment Frequency: Total Body Analysis remedies are made to support evolution of the baby during the first trimester. Acupuncture sessions are recommended every 2- 4 weeks during the first trimester. Monthly treatments are recommended until the end of the pregnancy.
Birth Preparation:
Support the natural process of birth with acupuncture, Total Body Analysis, Craniosacral Therapy, and massage. Treatments are designed to support your hormones, uterine tone, cervical ripening, optimal positioning of the baby, and help you to reach a state of deep relaxation.
Breech presentation-labor induction:
It may be possible to avoid a medical induction or Cesearean delivery. Brooke has experience helping babies to turn head down at the end of pregnancy. Although Brooke can not force a baby out before it is ready, she can design a treatment to remove anything that is blocking labor from starting and promote an efficient labor.
Post-partum care:
This is a very critical time to support your body’s recovery. Brooke will be happy to give you a prescription to begin immediately following the birth of your baby. This will help you to recover blood and energy lost during the birth and prevents post-partum depression.

I would like to thank you profoundly for your support, your love and your work caring for me during my pregnancy and for helping with the birth of my son. The birth was more amazing than I ever imagined. The herbs that you prescribed following the birth were wonderful! I felt much stronger once I started taking them despite the fact that I was sleeping very little. Anna
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Our Pregnancy and Birth Preparation Program consists of several modalities synergistically combined to support you all through your pregnancy and to prepare for the natural process of birth.
Total Body Analysis (TBA):
This is a diagnostic system developed by Dr. Reuben T. Dehaan of the United States which uses the frequencies of body tissues and nutrients to treat imbalances in your body. It also includes anti-bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasite frequencies in case of infections. I have found this system to be incredible during pregnancy. I have used it successfully in preventing miscarriage, stopping premature labor, stopping leg cramps, correcting placenta previa, increasing low birth weight, and treating infections. Total Body Analysis remedies are also great for preparing for birth. The information obtained from the testing can be used to make a personalized remedy or direct me to the most effective natural medicine to improve the situation.
There have been many current research studies proving that acupuncture is beneficial for reproductive health. Acupuncture is used to balance your nervous and endocrine systems, while improving blood flow to your reproductive organs. This increased blood flow delivers more nutrients to your developing baby. Acupuncture can help the body harmoniously adjust to the new demands and many symptoms experienced during pregnancy, without side effects. Acupuncture also provides a valuable tool in preparing the body for labor by balancing hormones, ripening the cervix, reducing anxiety, and preparing the sacral ligaments for the birth.
CranioSacral Therapy:
CranioSacral Therapy was developed in the U.S. by osteopath William G. Sutherland.
The technique uses very gentle touch to release restrictions in the membranes that surround and penetrate the brain and spinal cord, as well as the connective tissue through the body. It works with the bones of the skull, spine, sacrum, and pelvis.
In pregnancy this therapy helps to relax the nervous system and release tension in the pelvis to improve circulation to the uterus. I use it when working to turn breech babies because it is effective in releasing tension from the uterus. It is also a great tool for treating migraine headaches during pregnancy.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by special pharmacies using a careful process of dilution and succussion (a specific form of vigorous shaking).
Homeopathy is safe during pregnancy and can be effective in both major and minor ailments. I use both single homeopathic remedies as well as formulas of homeopathy depending on the situation.
Chinese Herbal Medicine:
Chinese Herbal Medicine has been used for almost 2000 years in reproductive medicine. There are 150 different herbs that are commonly used to enhance fertility and prevent miscarriage. I use Chinese herbs during pregnancy and the post-partum phase for their deeply nourishing characteristics.
Essential oils are highly aromatic oils that naturally occur in a variety of plants. The scents of the oils have the ability to affect the brain/mind/consciousness through the olfactory nerves found in the nose. Essential oils are often used in acupuncture treatments to promote deep relaxation and release stress.
Flower Essences:
Flower essences are vibrational in nature and are scentless. They work deeply to resolve many types of emotional and mental stress. They are made from spring water infused with wild flowers, either by the sun-steeped method or by boiling. They gently restore the balance between mind and body and are very helpful during pregnancy and preparation for birth.

I have been extremely fortunate in experiencing Brooke’s work, both personally and professionally over the last few years. She has been the number one health practitioner I have turned to for a myriad of issues. I have been so lucky to have shared with her a workspace, teaching, healing and friendship. Brooke gives real meaning to the word holistic health. All the patients I have referred to her as well as myself have experienced great benefit from her treatments, and have felt secure and at ease with her experience, professionalism, and extraordinary intuition and sensibility. It is almost impossible to describe in a few lines the how Brooke’s wide knowledge and wisdom can help improve your life. I feel blessed to have her in my life and will be forever thankful of all of her help. Don’t hesitate, book a session and begin to experience extraordinary changes. Manuela (Doula and Alexander Technique Practitioner)